
It’s been a rougher week than normal around here. There’s always so much to do and it just feels like there’s never enough time, so I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to post. But next week is going to be even rougher. The Boyo has surgery for his ear tubes that Wednesday, and even though it’s a very minor surgery, I doubt I’m going to be able to post at all that day.

I was able to get some work on The Descendants done this week, which was nice. And I found some stock images to use for the cover – even though that is a long ways off.

I was also able to get more done on my Son’s quilt. I’m hoping I’ll have it done by the time his surgery day, so that way he would have a nice gift to come home to, but I have a couple of Etsy orders to get out before then so I doubt that that will happen.

Since this is the last WIPpet Wednesday post I’ll be making for a couple of weeks, I made sure that this week’s snippet was a dozy. Since today is the 27th of January, here are 9 sentences (2+7=9)

His voice was soft when he finally spoke. “I remember. It was a twi-lekk right? Green? With tattoos?” Anagha turned over to look at him so he continued. “I think maybe I just missed the freedom that I used to have when it was just me and Wes. But I didn’t want to give you up either, so rather than just being honest, I figured I could have a little fun on the side and you would never be the wiser. I’m sorry.”

To read more WIPpet Wednesday posts, go here.

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