More Outlines…

It was another busy weekend at the Olson household. We got rid of the old hardware on the vanity, did some dry brushing to give it some texture (only to realize later that repainting it black would have looked amazing… so much so that I may do it in a couple of weeks), and put the new hardware on. There was so much patching and sanding, but it looks pretty decent now.

We also put up a fence panel in the backyard. There were these wooden slats that were supposed to give that side of the house shade (I think… honestly, it doesn’t really need it, so if that was their purpose it was completely pointless). We thought they might help keep the Boyo contained but a closer inspection revealed that they were old and full of knot holes and weren’t very sturdy. So we found out that our local Home Depot was selling 6 foot high wooden fence panels, bought one, and screwed that into the metal posts that hold up the awning. We’ll do the next panel in a couple of weeks, and then eventually buy a picket fence for the end.

Boyo also had a speech evaluation with the Regional Center speech therapist. We don’t know what the results are yet, but it seemed to go pretty well. A lot of her methods were exactly the same as his old speech therapist, but the execution was far better. She let Boyo wander around and do his own thing (his old speech therapist preferred to keep him restricted to a high chair for the most part). Boyo had an absolute blast with her, and in the hour that she had him he babbled more and spoke more for her than he ever did for his old therapist.

And last but not least, I finally finished Boyo’s quilt. The R2D2 one I had been working on since before Christmas.


Yet again, I haven’t done much writing this week. However, that’s because I’ve been outlining every single story I’ve been working on instead. After discovering how useful outlines can be, I figured it was probably best that I create one just in case I run in to that horrible thing called Writer’s Block, or start to doubt myself. It’s been illuminating and kind of fun.

Hopefully I’ll be done soon and then I can get back to writing.

In the mean time, it’s Wednesday. That means that it’s time for another WIPpet snippet!

WIPpet Wednesdays are where we share a snippet of whatever project we are working on that somehow relates to the date. So, since today is the 15th of August, I’ll be sharing 4 sentences. This bit of dialogue takes place during a short story that is set right before book two of the Descendants. The short story features a character who is very near and dear to my heart, but unfortunately I can’t tell you who for fear of spoilers.

“Even so, the throne rightfully belongs to me. But instead I have been shoved to the side, in favor of you. All because you are legitimate, where as I am the result of an unnatural act. However, instead of acting appropriately, you choose to squander your life away by using your position to convince every woman from here to Wales to jump into your bed.”

In order to read more WIPpet Snippets, please go here.

7 thoughts on “More Outlines…

  1. Eden says:

    And why wouldn’t every woman in Wales want to jump into his bed? Rich people have nice beds! 😉

    Oops, sorry!

    That’s a really nice quilt, btw. I best not show the Boodle. I think he’d be jealous

    Liked by 1 person

  2. patgarcia says:

    A lovely quilt. I like the design. I had to smile at your WIPpet because living here in Europe there are a few people who were born out of wedlock to royalty and claim they are the first born.

    Shalom aleichem,

    Liked by 1 person

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